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Old 11-23-2014, 02:50 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Victorian Sweatshop Forum
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Originally Posted by Neesie View Post
I've spent most of today on the computer, searching for a way to make a decent quilt label with a smaller font (less than 1/2"), without spending a fortune. Been reading all of the suggestions and tried out a couple free demos. Unfortunately, it seems most of the programs concentrate more on graphics and lettering is more of an afterthought. Now I'm looking at SewArt Digitizing Embroidery Software. The way I'm reading it, is it'll convert graphic file extensions into the embroidery software extensions. If that's the case, I'm thinking I can do my lettering in PhotoShop and then after saving, will be able to import it into the SewArt, for conversion into PES. Has anyone ever done this? If so, did it work?

I did find a couple of 1/4" fonts and bought one . . . but the stitching width isn't proportional to the size of the letter, so the overall effect is of a larger letter that's been compacted. I don't want printed labels, as they aren't practical for kids' quilts, which need to withstand many washings.

Any advice, before I pull out the rest of my hair? I've already resorted to chocolate, twice!
The best advice I can give you is when working with lettering this small(1/4"), since lettering is kind of dense, use thinner 60wt thread and a size 9 needle. This works well for any small dense design.

I made name labels on 1/2" ribbon for clothing not too long ago. I used the small size script font on my machine(Janome MC200e) and reduced it further in the machine. I was able to use my regular 40wt thread with no problems, but if the lettering had been any smaller I would have used 60wt thread.

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