Old 11-24-2014, 03:39 AM
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Originally Posted by sandy l
I realize that this probably sounds Scroogy, but it's getting harder and harder each year for me to get excited about Christmas, seeing that it seem's like the merchandise for it is showing up earlier and earlier each year.
You are not Scroogy!

Liturgically, Christmas is December 25-January 6. Secularly, and commercially, "christmas" is any time the retailers, etc deem it to be. Advent has begun. I love Advent services....they are reverent, calming. And they prepare us for His coming. I am amused at the frenzy for celebrating a season that many do not fully understand nor choose to find out "why". For me, The season is so much more sacred when observed liturgically. It keeps me balanced. I enjoy it much more, in fact.

I decorate after Thanksgiving..usually a week before Dec. 25 and I leave the decorarations up until Epiphany. (jan 6). I am amused when people are all decorated before Thanksgiving and then rip down the trimmings as soon as the gifts are exchanged! This is not to say that I don't gradually put a few things out. But I no longer go nuts with the decorating frenzy. I pace myself and each year is different. I have pared back, in fact.

To each their own. Peace.

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