Old 11-24-2014, 05:26 AM
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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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I think it might be because of the snow we have had so early in the year - someone in Minnesota here must remember the storm of 1992 - Hallowe'en - and the T-shirts "I survived the Winter of '92-'93. Never got a t-shirt, but I sure do remember it. Snow was as high as the clothespole. My husband couldn't even walk to work because the snow was so high and he was a laborer for the City of St. Paul. But we lived through it.

Yesterday it was 51 degrees, all the snow has melted and it was a wet, damp, cloudy warm day. Dog dragged in mud.
So, I was going to decorate the front deck (newly built this year) and was looking forward to that, but decided to watch GREEN BAY ALMOST LOSE THE GAME!!!!!!!!!
Even my cousin from Milwaukee said "It was a good game - Green Bay almost lost". There is hope in this world.
So, the home is run in tradition - decorate by the first of December, put up the tree on my sister's birthday (Dec. 20)
take it down between January 3 (husband's birthday) and January 6. In that time, I don't care if it snows, rains, if I have to mow the lawn, it is Christmas and it is going to come whether it snows or not. But deep down, I love a nice snowfall on Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Eve. Then I am totally done with snow

The only thing that pangs me the most is that I don't have my father anymore, my husband died in March, 2013, and my mother died in July of 2013. But I learned from them over the years and I will remember them forever and thanks to my family, my friends. my neighbors who are all so wonderful - I am so blessed - that I can laugh and sing and dance and joke and cry and miss them all at the same time and still be happy. I decorate the house because I always did and I am not going to stop......my dog loves the decorations - she eats them; I have two new parakeets, I am sure they will love the lights twinkling over their heads on the archway. It is going to be a great Christmas. BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!!!! Edie

No more!!!!! Happy Winter!!!!! Edie
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