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Old 01-04-2010, 12:38 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by MistyMarie
Okay, so here goes. My "sewing space" is beginning to take over my house. I find notions, fabric, quilt magazines, books, et cetera in virtually every room of my house. My husband is a custom reloader and his hobby takes up only a small chunk of our storage room and his gun safe is in our basement family room. My hobby has burst throughout the house.

A couple of years ago, my husband's sister killed herself. Shortly after her funeral, her husband was deployed to Iraq. Our 14 year old nephew had no place to go, so we cleaned out our basement bedroom and gave it to him for a year. This meant my fabric stash ended up in our storage room, in our laundry room, and my dining room was taken over. I ended up putting up shelves in my laundry room, but they were quickly overtaken with kitchen things, kid things, and UFOs. My counter became a catch-all for mess instead of a cutting board and ironing station. This past summer, I lost both my grandmothers, so I was gone much of the summer.
(As a teacher, summers are when I get most projects done.) So, with the school year approaching, I got busy and painted the bedroom a color I could live with. (Not bright red, as it was before!) I have slowly been organizing the room, prior to moving down my long-arm. Right now it is taking up my dining room. It isn't even out to full length and it is too cramped to work in there right now, so I haven't used it since I bought it.

Yesterday, I went down to start working on the room again, only to discover that our new kitten was peeing in my block basket and on a pile of fabric I was organizing onto shelves. So, today I have been washing fabrics and will be shampooing the carpet in a few minutes. I plan on having my room ready to go before my husband deploys at the end of March. I have two more bookcases to move in and a cabinet to build. I am going to leave my sewing machine upstairs in the laundry room because it is right off the kitchen and I still feel connected to the family when I am working on a quilt because I can see all the way to the family room when I am sitting at my machine.

So, hopefully the next pictures I post in a few weeks will show SIGNIFICANT improvements! Wish me luck... and energy.

MistyMarie...I think you just joined us, so welcome, but you sound just like one of us already.
Thanks for braving the pics! I am going to feel so much better for you, when you are able to get your stuff more organized so you can work, lol! (((hugs))):-D
Isn't this freeing? We are always posting pics of our best works, but now we are really getting down to the nitty gritty and we are going to feel better for it. (said in my best therapeutic/counselor voice, lol!)
I used to think I was a minority...nope. We just need to help each other with this part too.
Each person will decide what works best for them. Houses are different sizes and shapes, and potential space is different.
Believe it or not...poking fun, there,...I can see how pretty your house is, even if you do have a great love of the quilty things. You can tell you have really enjoyed your hobby, and it just grew on's funny...ok, sugared up, here...feeling the 'cheese'... :mrgreen:
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