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Old 11-28-2014, 08:01 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Finger Lakes region
Posts: 188

After reading a few suggestions I am still thinking of expanding this to a larger quilt, using it as a piece of art doesn't work for my home. I believe a king mattress is close to 82" wide and my more reflective thought is to initially frame the 60" panel with a green batik ( suggestion from a viewer) then a strip of black, then another slightly different width of yellow batik, more black then orange batik to take the quilt to the edge of the mattress. Then a drop (hope that is correct term) that is again black, but in each corner a colorful New York Beauty with the spikes outlined in black. Someone suggested tumbling blocks used as a decorative element on the sides and I liked that idea but struggled so with “Y” seams that I am positive I will never do a tumbling block quilt...ever! I am still unsure how to make this all happen as most quilts seem to have a symmetry and if this panel is in the center of the bed and below the pillows...that throws things “off” a bit and needs further thought?

I am truly humbled by your praise and appreciate your encouragement, just never ask for photo of the back of anything I piece as it is a nest of loose threads, some well placed fabric glue and seams that reflect a lot of creativity to get a match.
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