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Old 12-01-2014, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by wishfulthinking View Post
I can't unstick the wheel I'd have to turn to wind a bobbin. It's like that and the wheel that makes the needle go up & down are fused together. Any ideas on how to fix this? There are little nicks in the paint around the wheel that made me think someone had tried a wrench on it. So, I did too, but couldn't get a grip, just made a couple more paint dings. Thanks for any advice you can give.
I've had good luck by padding a heavy cardboard box with old towels, drip plenty of tri-flow around the small gap where the two wheels come together, turn the machine on it's nose with the handwheel up in the air, take the recessed screw out and keep dripping tri-flow into the hole until full and let it stand on it's head overnight. A box a bit smaller than the machine head holds it, so does an office size waste basket. The Dollar Store sells jar grips of round circles cut from the rubbery stuff shelf liners are made of. They are great for getting a grip. A few I've struggled (kenmore and singer slant) with seem to have sand in the threads. Over a period of time, it dawned on me that people used to store pincushions under the head and over time moths would devour the wool, leaving the grit and emery that got spread around as the machine was moved.
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