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Old 12-07-2014, 01:28 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Tlambing, looks great.. love the colors on that sneak peek! Now get that baby in the mail! Lolol..
You know I'm teasing on the last part...
I have yours ready to layer and finish. I think it's pretty cute, and I hope you like it. I'm hoping to have it mailed out by Friday.
Been keeping grandson, and taking granddaughter to her kindergarten Christmas party. My son had surgery Friday. Hubby and I kept our grandson, as daughter-in-law was with our son. Our lil grandson (1 yr old in few days) has been sick, and just can't seem to get over the "crud". He's such a lil trooper, still smiling and even laughs, which turns to a lil cry because he's not feeling well. It breaks my heart. And I know my son and daughter-in-law are even more upset about it. He's had 2 visits to his pediatrician, hoping the meds he's on now along with breathing treatments will clear things up!
I told my son I'm sorry he's genetically my hubby's son, and that my grandson is genetically his son... Because they all have terrible allergies, which lead to sinus infections, ear infections, throat infections, bronchitis. Bad enough for an adult, and terrible for our grandbaby!
So I'm praying everyone heals from surgeries, and gets well asap!
On a happy note, our grandson was hilarious to keep Friday. He's been walking since 10 mos old, so he was toddling everywhere, getting into everything. He had on lil levis, and of course that added to the cuteness. He'd cut his eyes at my hubby, start to toddle off while giggling. As if to say, "I know I'm not supposed to go over there, but I am!!". My hubby would get him, pretend "airplane fly" him back toward me. Grandson held out his lil fat hands to me and laughed. I'd melt.. Then he'd toddle off, I'd chase him, "fly" him back toward Grampy. Repeat, repeat, repeat... It was absolutely priceless fun, but I will admit we were 2 exhausted grandparents later.
Then last night was granddaughter's kindergarten Christmas party. She had such a great time, and we feel blessed to have them live close enough that we can be so involved in their lives. We may be crawling tomorrow, but happily

Take care all,

Last edited by kiffie2413; 12-07-2014 at 01:30 AM.
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