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Old 12-09-2014, 03:21 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: New Orleans, La
Posts: 1,768

Hoping all went well with Linda's appointment. As I was reading her post, she said there may be about 20 non responsive commitments. So this am, I'm going to start on some MR's and have them ready. Sure hope I don't need them. I know things happen and life can be very difficult these days, but I'm sorry, we are all adults here and I don't like being disrespected. Please if you made a commitment in which you can't keep, at least let someone know so we can take care of it. I would rather a person be honest then just blowing it off. It doesn't mean you are a bad, or horrible person, it just means your thoughts and attentions were good and maybe life just got in your way.
So off to make some
Angel gifts and to say my morning prayers for all my friends I've met on this board who need some interventions.
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