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Old 12-10-2014, 05:42 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: NE Ohio
Posts: 464

I have had several people make comments about my machines and my cars. I sold my 2000 Ford Windstar and purchased a new-to-me 2007 Mercedes Benz. I just recently traded my Brother Quattro for a Babylock Destiny. Why? Because I wanted them. No children at home, I went back to work for 7 years and saved every penny, and husband always wants me to be happy. Piecing quilts is a very-very small part of my sewing/craft/playing. I can rent time on a long arm machine from a local dealer. $25.00 per hour and I do not have to make payments on the entire machine. Nor am I "expected" to work for others to "justify" to people why I should have any machine. ( about 2 days after I got my Destiny, I had someone say she needed several pants hemmed and a jacket needing a new zipper. I Should be happy to do all this work "in order to pay for that over-priced machine". She was so surprised when I told her it was paid for before it left the store. So was the car. That surprised her too, since she had a car half the price with a 5 year note on it. People have different needs and different finances. I don't understand people spending hundreds of dollars for a purse. But, if they enjoy it, why not?
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