Old 12-11-2014, 09:04 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 983

My 13yr DGD has been sewing with me even before we learned to quilt, she is very good at it and I wonder if she has more of the gift than I do. It makes me so proud to sit beside her, each of us working on a quilt. She is very caring in her quilt making as am I we think it over long and hard about the person we are making the quilt for. Right now she is working on a quilt for her older sister who is in her 1st year of college and is a Leukemia survivor, DGD works on it everyday after school to have it finished for Christmas. Myself am working on our 3rd childs quilt. We have 6 children so I am doing their quilts in chronological order, 2 down 4 to go. Then I'll start on the 9 GGKids. Whew, maybe someday DH & I will have one for our bed...MAYBE. God bless our children who are learning the art of quilting!
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