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Old 12-14-2014, 01:18 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Corpus Christi, Tx.
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My mother and I went back in "65'. We went to the dr. to get them done. He used that ugly surgical needle and thick thread. I went first because my mother thought if I passed out she could drive us home. I didn't pass out and mine didn't bleed at all. Mom's ears bled like a stuck pig. Mine got infected and hers didn't. Not sure why. I had trouble for a long time but they eventually healed. My sisters all got theirs pierced by my cousin. I later got mine pierced a second time and once again got infected. When I graduated, mom asked if I wanted diamond earrings or a graduation party. I said earrings since they would last longer. Matter of fact, I'm wearing them right now. I don't pack jewelry when I travel. I wear my earrings and rings. Just diamonds and rubies and pearls. Don't get excited they aren't that big but Mom and DH gave them both to me. I went quite a while not wearing them, not sure why but I take them out to clean and sleep in them. I never wore much jewelry, simply because it's enough to decide what clothes to wear much less what jewelry to wear. No big deal if you don't have pierced ears. I don't understand some of the other piercings about the body and putting in bumps. What kind of statement are they trying to make? Doesn't matter either, I don't care. My youngest came home on his 18th birthday with his tongue pierced. He did not get the reaction from me he thought he would. I just said, "Well it isn't my tongue" There would be a big fight on your hands if you tried to do that to me." His tongue piercing lasted about 6 months. He got tired of the bad breath from getting food caught in the piercing. Yes everyone I have met that has a tongue piercing has bad breath. I know of a young girl who had braces. She got a tongue piercing with out her parents knowing. They found out when she got it caught in the braces. Dentist removed the piercing and repaired the damage it did to her braces.
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