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Old 12-22-2014, 06:16 AM
Geri B
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Illinois
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Do you mean giving something to someone as a"gift" that had been given to you by someone else as a " gift"? I mean, like wrapped, for special occasion? No way! If someone gives me a " gift" I look at it as something that person actually went out and thought about---rightly or wrongly---and purchased for me! If it something that I really will not use/want for whatever reason........I will "donate" to an organization.........for me to turn around and gift it is something that never enters my mind. Now, if I were to receive a "gift" that I somehow found out was re gifted to me....I would return it to giver with a few choice comments! ......and scratch that person off my friend list. That's just me gift giving is a special effort, albeit, sometimes difficult, thing one does. If you don't want to shop for a cards are always, please don't bite my head off for these comments, it's just the way I feel about this subject and since it was brought up for discussion,I joined in........happy gift giving......most of mine are gift cards btw.........given and received.......
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