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Old 12-28-2014, 06:37 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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I fiddled with a Singer 99 - the bobbin tension would not hold the thread right - it was not staying in place... Lovie was here and we took it apart again - maybe a couple times - she knows what to do but her fingers are not coordinated enough to pick up the tiny screws. We were working over a magnet sheet - I'm tired of losing the tiny screws... finally got it working. Then I sold it. The guy was muttering about how his Grandma said 'no used sewing machine is worth more than $25...' He was trying to get my price down... Well, around here finding them used for that is a real big trick and if I hadn't worked on it - it would to cost a whole lot more to pay some repair person to fix that one... some people are clueless. I betcha she thinks all old Singer machines will work as soon as you get them out of the shed. Usually there is some reason a machine has been left in storage.
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