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Old 01-01-2015, 06:12 AM
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I started a few days ago - and did block 18 to start. That one has no inside corners to deal with. I also enlarged my blocks so the peices would be easeir to work with.

I don't know what the method is called - I press under the edges before I sew it on to the backing. I don't think this would work with tiny pieces, and I still have not taken the time to figure out what "needle turn" is.

Here is block 18. I started on the embroidery but don't really like it. I've set this one aside and will try some different embroidery on the next one before I do more (or rip it out) with the other.

So I got brave, and tried tackling block #1. I think if I hadn't already done the other block, I would have given up. I really struggled with those tight turns and ends. It did get easier as I figured out better ways to do it. I don't think the way I'm doing them is going to work for the blocks with really small pieces. But they are a ways away, so maybe I'll be good enough at this by then!

One thing I learned was to take the paper of in sections to press down. I go all around first with the paper on, then trim and snip, and then remove the paper and press the edge down to hold. This works really well with batiks, not so well with other fabrics - the main reason I decided to switch to all batiks for this (plus all the pretty colors!)

Once I had them all turned, I started laying them out so I could get them positioned correctly. I don't mark the position because I'm more concerned with getting the pieces to fit with each other. My main concern was getting the orange so it lined up in the center, and then positioned and pinned down the yellow to sew. With the small pieces, most of the web is used to hold down the edges, so they needed to be pinned in place.

So last night while we listened to music, I stitched away. Here is the yellow stitched down. I'm using black thread, and it seems to be working OK. I started out with a cotton thread and it kept twisting and knotting up on me, so I switched to a poly thread I've had around for years that I know works well for hand stitching (back from the days I did alterations as a job)

I also got the orange on, and then called it a night. Didn't want to break my record and actually be awake at midnight! This morning I pinned the light blue in place.

I put a spot of fray check at each of the inside corners. Don't know if it's needed, but I feel better doing it.

I'm going to work on my test blocks more, still trying to decide which machine/method I want to use with the gold/purple set.
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