Old 01-02-2015, 06:20 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Huntsville, AL
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You are right no alcohol in shellac. After naptha use alcohol and linseed oil to prep the surface and get rid of the loose shellac. Then polish with shellac and oil. I don't know where the shellac and alcohol combination came from. It will take some time to blend the old with the new. Maybe I need to do another tutorial but I went and reread this one and it reads ok. If I need to make changes please let me know. This will get rid of most of the scratches in the finish but will not get rid of the deep ones in the japanned finish. You can get rid of the deep ones by filling them in with shellac but will take many coats with a small brush to do this and then the leveling the area with very fine wet or dry sandpaper. I don't recommend you go this far you can get yourself in trouble with this one. The goal is to make the machine pretty again. If you want the machine to look like they day it left the show room you will have to have it stripped, japanned and new decals. This could run several hundred dollars. Not to mention having the shinny bits re plated. This is something the homeowner can do with a little practice and time. So please read the instructions carefully. Feel free to ask questions if you run into problems.
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