Old 01-02-2015, 04:57 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Cody, Wyoming
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darned girl mitered corners is great! that used to be ok for me now I say oh heck no! the work involved with those is truly interesting!

glad you saw the posting letsquilt you had me real worried that I had left you off. phew!

still waiting to see if there is anyone else I forgot surely I am not THAT good lol. I wish. I have my mug rug half done.. just waiting to see if there are any requirement issues on this. if its not what my partner wants well guess I am totally waiting to see what they want lol. we shall see. Hope everyone is getting into gear for the New Year ahead of us. I know I am. I am ready and willing to take it on. I need to be I think lol. A wedding! my daughter is getting married in Oct and boy the festivities have begun. I am tired reading about them! us possibly moving in May because its closer to the clinic and hospital for me for transplant. I love Wyoming. I am unsure of Denver. two different worlds I am sure. We are looking at the left hand side of Denver slightly below center left side.. never been to Denver so its a scary concept to me. The other option is.. CA working at the last place Steve worked. That could be great it could also be horror story for me moving again. I am not so great at this moving stuff but we will do what works best for us and is right. Worst case scenario we stay right here in Cody and well.. that isn't a worse case scenario at all. people are good to you here. The only downside is there is no medical care for surgeries and stuff. no vascular surgery no kidney doctors.. so that is a two hour drive north and only a few to chose from. so.. ups and downsides to each and every possibility. we will see. what is right I am sure we will be guided. I believe in following your destiny and also fate. its an interesting concept just like... ME!
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