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Old 01-06-2010, 08:28 AM
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I would like to hear if they call. Here in Canada they have to. They don't have a choice. And they are not supposed to close it until it has been resolved. So if a manager calls and you are not satisfied then there should be more to come. They are not allowed to let it just drop. Doesn't matter if she had a valid point or not. She shouldn't have been voicing it in that manner with a customer. It was rude and uncalled for. I would complain about customer service as well. They should have called her to the desk to deal with it. She may have had to okay it as defective goods. Though they could have also called a manager to do the same thing. Some of them don't like to do their jobs very well. I helped cover a lot if depts and fabrics was one of them and I consulted with the desk all the time. I won't say working at walmart was easy. It wasn't. There can be a stigmatism to it. But i always went in with a smile and tried to do my best. Never was I rude to a customer. Even the ones that were having a bad day.
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