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Old 01-05-2015, 08:07 AM
Barb in Louisiana
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: The Deep South near Cajun Country, USA
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I agree with Geri B. The One Block Wonder quilt you chose is not usually a first quilt. It is more in the advanced category.

Having said that, I love the fabric you chose but would use it in a different fashion. I would use it as a large piece and not cut it. Jus add the batting and a solid color back, then bind it. That material can stand on it's on. Do you intend for it to be a nursery quilt or a toddler quilt? A nursery quilt can be fairly small. Baby quilts can be anywhere from a 32" square to a 52" square or a rectangle. You could do this type quilt with a small cut. A yard & a half would give you a 44x45" piece. That would be more than enough. You won't lose any fabric on the length, but you will on the width. The selvedges have to be cut off before you sew it.

Find a quilt guild or a Joan's Fabric or a local quilt shop and I know they can give you some guidance. Youtube has videos for anything you want to know about quilting. I typed in Beginner Quilting Lessons and got all these I changed the search to Beginner quilting tutorial and got these results

Good Luck!
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