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Old 01-06-2015, 04:42 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Illinois
Posts: 1,809

I think my concern is that you have chosen a very difficult design and I would not want that to be a bad experience for your first try at this. My advice is to choose something simple and quick as your first project to see how you do and how much you enjoy this craft/art/hobby/addiction. Even a cute panel that is bordered out can be a special quilt. Or a rag quilt. Your friend will treasure something made by you, no matter how difficult. It's not the work, it's the love that goes into the quilt that makes it special.

I have pieced and hand quilted several quilts for my family but the one they like the best for their little fellow is a square with camo and tractors in the design, bordered out and stitch-in-the-ditch/machine stitched squares to hold it together! The "beauty" is in the fabric, not the work that went into it. It took less than a day to make and they like it better than the ones that took much longer and a lot more work.

Save the OBW for a quilt as one to do for yourself as only you will appreciate the effort and time that went into the project.
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