Old 01-08-2015, 07:36 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Yes, Vitality, we have serious wind a lot around here. It cranked back up about 2 this morning, howling again now.
I have always wondered just how Chicago got the nickname the Windy City when my town has been named windier??.. We're #2 in the USA. Though it's not something I'm bragging about! Lol...
Wind is out of sw today, blowing in warm high of 39 predicted today. Then to die down late afternoon, change directions, supposed to howl from the north, for highs in the 20's tomorrow.
I just want to say Stop this merry-go-round and let me off!!

I'm binding my mug, then off it goes to my partner. When she opens it, she'll be greeted with a "Hello" from a Kitty . Sorry for the groaned pun, I couldn't stop myself...lack of sleep will do that to you. Haha.
I have it and my mini quilt almost done. Planning to mail them out by Monday. Will post sneak peek picsn a bit.


Last edited by kiffie2413; 01-08-2015 at 07:40 AM.
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