Old 01-09-2015, 03:33 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,667

Pretty fqs showing up!

No hurry or worries on my fqs, you just take care of yourself.
My dh is on his 2nd round of antibiotics, too..for bronchitis and a sinus infection. Even with his chronic health issues, he rarely gets sick. We all take the flu shot, but I know this year it's only effective about 50% of the time..

Have you tried that "Working Hands" cream? I've tried many different lotions, but I must say it's the only one that does help prevent and also heals up the cracks I get in my fingers..those lil cracks sure can be sore..

To all my "pardners", your fq pkgs were dropped by the post office last evening. I thought I'd make it into town sooner, but with the cold, my dh being sick, and my own health "gunk" I'm sorry, I just didn't make it into town on Weds like I thought I would.

Take care all,
kiffie2413 is offline