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Old 01-14-2015, 06:45 PM
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 5

Originally Posted by krafty14 View Post
I know this will not solve your problem for this quilt, but I think that you must have taken much more than 1/4" seams when sewing the strips together. I counted 32 rows in the quilt, and that is what you should have when you are done. Each strip should finish at 2". 2" x 32 strips = 64". Double check your seams for the next one! P
Otherwise, I think the idea of adding more strips to the top and/or bottom would solve your problem. Hope you can find the same fabric or close. It's a very pretty combination.
Yes. I did make my seams a little bigger than 1/4". I also sewed some of the seams apparently the wrong way because some of the mitres came up in opposite directions. I'm not really happy with it, but it was my first, so it is ok. I love the fabric so much that it kind of makes up for it.

I bought a crazy quilt pattern that I love and some expensive Downton Abbey Fabric. I read the directions and was a little confused, so I decided to do a test quilt out of some other material, just in case! I should have down that with my jelly roll race quilt before I used fabric I loved. But the directions looked so easy that I didn't think I could mess it! Guess I was wrong.

But really, I think I am going to try and just add some more strips on the end. I think I have figured out how many strips to use so I could do the jelly roll race method.

40" x 13 strips = 520"

520/52 width = 10 rows added

So, if I get 13 new strips of material, it should add 10 new rows to the bottom of my quilt. That would be about 15 more inches. So in total it would be 52" wide by 65" long.

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