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Old 01-17-2015, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by GailG View Post
I jumped in yesterday by printing out the tutorial on the Boxy Stars as shown a couple days ago. Began by cutting strips and then WHAM*** slashed my finger with the rotary cutter. Got that patched up and finished cutting strips. Then slowly cut pieces for a few blocks. By last night I had six 1/4-blocks stitched and pressed and six 1/4-blocks placed for piecing. After these last two weeks of cold and rain, it will be nice to see sunshine coming through my windows.
OMG...(((Gail))) How's your finger today? It seem that you, "took one for the quilters." I hope that you're on the mend.

I've continued working on my Lover's knot quilt. I've been sewing the 6.5" squares, pressing and squaring them up. I've then been sewing four of those squares together to make a large, 12.5" square, then squaring that up. Then, I've started sewing those big blocks together into rows of 5, or 6...I haven't decided the final size of the quilt yet. Right now I have 6/row, but I may take a block off of each row. I plan to tie the quilt, but I may try my hand at hand-quilting it with a big stitch. I'm about 1/3 of the way done with the quilt top.

The look of my quilt is very, "down home," and scrappy. Some of the fabrics I'm using are from the 1920s. I wanted to do the whole thing with '20s fabrics, but I didn't have enough, so I just looked for the ugliest, most appropriate fabrics I could find. The quilt will be for a cabin, so the funkier, the better. I haven't decided on a backing yet...maybe a plaid.

I'll try to get some pix over to the thread today. I'm excited to see what everyone else is doing!

~ Cindy
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