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Old 01-17-2015, 06:51 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Western Washington State
Posts: 549

Here's the story. There was a big department store in downtown Seattle that had a huge display of vintage and antique machines, all on one wall. Based upon the sticker on the BSM, sometime after 2011, their insurance company told them to remove all the machines because they would be a huge risk to their customers in the event of an earthquake. Seattle is part of the Ring of Fire and earthquakes are a part of life.

So, the store THREW them into a huge box sitting on a forklift in order to take them to the dump. The broken bits of most machines tell the tale. Thanks to a quick thinking worker, all 300 machines in the box were rescued. Now, I have the connection. So thankful to have met this challenge and the family that saved them.

So far, the Serata HC remains my favorite. Carnegie Library lions grace the head and wonderful stitches, including reverse, make sewing with it a joy.

That's the tale, told. Now, back to teaching...
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