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Old 01-19-2015, 08:18 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2014
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Posts: 18

Originally Posted by Olectra View Post
I am new to sewing, quilting and embroidery and have learned A LOT in the last few months. I have made two quilts (among other things) and hand embroidered the labels for them. I am pretty proud of them... Not too bad for a novice. IMO : )

My husband surprised me with a Brother PE-770 last week and I am really excited to play with it. Oh, I have tested out some of the presets, but I really want to make my own Designs. Does anyone have any suggestions on an embroidery or a digitizing software? I have been trying to do some research online, but it is extremely overwhelming and have only managed to confuse myself. LOL

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

EDIT: I have spent the last two hours reading this thread hoping to find the information, but it is 289 pages long... 289!! I only scratched the surface. 
Christmas kept me extremely busy and after all of the festivities was was finally able to experiment with a couple of different digitizing program demos. I really liked the Embird, but discoverd it may be too advanced for me for right now. I am not only new to digitizing, but new to embroidery, quilting and sewing altogether (I never used a sewing machine before August 2014, LOL). I settled on Embrilliance Stitch Artist for its user interface and ease of use. Plus I found some educational YouTube videos that were very helpful and easy to follow. Overall, the Embrillance was a lot easier for me to use in the demo. I have already made a couple of simple designs using shapes, true type fonts and digitized some simple clip art type images swiped from the Internet for practice. Tonight I will work on my quilt label template. I know I have only scratched the surface and am looking forward to the fun and crafty road ahead. I have started a list of projects that I want to tackle so I will be busy all year and the next and the next and the next. 😊
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