Old 02-04-2015, 01:10 PM
love to sew
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Valley of the sun, AZ
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I did the 3 x 4 layout and did the stars in the center but not the sides as I didn't have enough of the yellow (shoulda, woulda, coulda. . .done scrappy yellow since it is scrappy, duh.) but now I want to make it bigger. So I will add borders, just haven't decided how and what yet. I had trouble figuring out how to press the sashing pieces with the star points and the 2 1/2 squares. How to nest them for ease of sewing together. Judy, I really liked doing this mystery and your clues were really good. (IF only I followed them correctly, ha ha) but did you give us clues on pressing that I missed for the sashing? My first mystery almost completed. Actually, I tried Bonnie Hunters (love her) Orca bay but but didn't even get the blocks finished, a UFO that will have to become something other. . . I have many of the pieces but they will NOT be Orca Bay. Even though I have seen many beautiful ones. I'm just saying, not for me.
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