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Old 01-07-2010, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by tlrnhi
Thanks K.
It's ok....lots to read thru on this thread. Tons of different opinions from what we learned when we had our babies and what they are teaching now.

It's a good thing they make babies so durable.
With my first one, I read big thick books, counted every calorie, made sure I drank a quart of milk every day...yada, yada, yada...
She was breach, 7 lbs. 11 oz. (hubby said she was a minute-market, 7-11:wink:_)
I had eaten tomato and cheese sandwhiches for lunch for months.
Guess what 1st DD won't eat? and never has? :lol:
DD #2 came four years later...I ate any and everything, esp. ice cream in last couple months...she weighed 10.5 lbs! and came normal delivery...but nurses said it was a good thing, doc knocked me out right at the end.
I went natural first time.
Point is: I did all the RIGHT things, for the time with #1,
and whatever my gut told me with #2.
Both were healthy as horses and happy babies.
Mom was a lot calmer with #2 and baby was so easy going. Didn't have to put her down for a nap...would look around and she would lay down anywhere when she got tired. Would have to go move her, lol.
She didn't cry to go to sleep either.
Thought I wanted a dozen like her. Got to her teens???....we won't go there, lol!
There are no books that can predict everything about each and every baby.
They are just gonna do, what they are gonna do, and mom and dad have to do the best they can and try not to sweat the small stuff. Save energy, bc babies are tiring!
You sure are gonna be missed.
Them's some awful cute pictures, grandma :wink:
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