Old 02-08-2015, 08:01 AM
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On old trains there was always a carpetbagger trying to sell you something... well, I'm going to try and sell you onto another project (with Judy's gracious permission).

Here's a link to a new boomerang swap where you get to choose what kind of block you'd like to have made for you. http://www.quiltingboard.com/member-...a-t260452.html

I'm not the hostess of it, but sure would like to see some of you join up. There was a little confusion at first on the guidelines (she posted the older ones...oopps ) but all is clear now. Here's a little about it also:

You do send your f8 (11 x 18) along with your pattern to the Hostess of the swap. You can either make copies of the pattern (so you make special notes if you wish) or post what pattern you wish to have used with your fabric. If you mail copies of the pattern with your f8 you will know beyond a doubt everyone will have the correct pattern. Be sure to put your board name on the pattern in case it becomes separated from your f8. You will also need to be clear in your desires for your fabric - such as "Please use my f8 in the "xyz" portion of the pattern and please use "white or white on white" or "use any fabric that matches the colors in my f8 and have fun"...

You will then be making a block for each f8 you receive from the hostess. They should also either have the pattern enclosed along with any special notes or have the pattern posted on this thread. I'd still suggest at least putting the web location on paper to send with if you are unable to print out patterns for everyone. If you are unclear as to their requests, it's better to ask because others may also have the same question.

I haven't participated in this swap but I have participated in several boomerang swaps and love the idea of everyone creating the same pattern for me. As our hostess urgodschild2 has stated in the rules and perhaps the most scary part is being sure your block measures 12 1/2" correctly. If in doubt, to me, leave it a little bit oversize and let the receiver trim it down...easier to trim...real hard to get them to grow .

Looking forward to this swap and having more fun.

Would love to have some of you sign up -- the sign ups go through February unless it gets full before then. You'd have until mid June to complete the blocks so there isn't a lot of pressure from this. Hope you check it out.

Now back to working on my mystery blocks Thanks for reading my spiel.
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