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Old 02-09-2015, 06:06 AM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Central Pennsylvania
Posts: 52

Originally Posted by mtteach101 View Post
Did anyone know you can order sewing machines at
I did not know that..I am not completely surprised though. The 2 that I listed in the OP the Brother was from Costco's website and the Singer from Kohls website.

The one that I have is a Singer..I bought it 5 years ago, for about $200 or $300 I can't remember. I had it cleaned and serviced last year for the first time and it cost $ it stopped grabbing the bobbin thread. So everyone says that that is probably a timing issue. But I don't want to put a lot of money into it since it didn't cost all that much. I am glad that I posted this though because I was leaning towards the Singer that I I think I am leaning very far away from it.

I would prefer something with a top drop bobbin. The other kind "scares" me. Keep the advice coming I am finding it very helpful. Thank you everyone for all of the comments.
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