Old 02-13-2015, 01:16 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Oh my goodness!!
My hubby likes that raccoon fabric, I knew he would!!! And he noticed the lil waving critter right off the bat..haha
Brat's hubby and mine are a lil eclectic in their tastes...except concerning their wives, in us they have excellent taste!! .

I also cracked up at the Snidely Whiplash snickers I sensed coming from Vitality and Tlambing...I could picture you both rubbing your hands in glee...You gals are too too funny, and I needed a laugh!!!

Sorry, Patches, but I must say most of the fabrics Fiestypixy posted are in the "unpretty" category...

But it's ok, if we all liked the same thing...well, you know...

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