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Old 02-15-2015, 09:35 AM
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Default Row Robin Quilt Along! Starts March 2nd!

Welcome to the Row Robin quilt along! I am excited to start this new quilt along with you! last year we did a medallion quilt along and it was so much fun to see what each person did as their interpretation. This is a quilt along where you will be working on YOUR OWN row robin. No mailing involved!

The theme for this quilt along is: Where I find peace. Your inner joy where is this? This could be the beach! the mountains! the desert! I will offer each month along with the help of other players options for each item. Pick one that best suits the theme and let the fun begin! You can sew your row done invidual blocks that have items from that theme.. or you can make your row into a design that becomes a larger picture. I am here to help with ideas and know that the group as a whole will be right there to support and encourage and offer suggestions for ideas for your quilt.

The fun with doing this together is while we all have a different idea of what peace is to us.. we can enjoy working with each other to achieve a quilt we will truly love. Maybe its not for you? find out what peace is to the person you will be making it for. Maybe its a couch with a blanket a book and soft lighting.. maybe its a mountain stream you can go to sit and dream.. or a beach where the sun shines softly on you, the ocean slowly softly licking the shores! the options are endless. I would like each of you to think of what you want to do and be prepared to share it when we start this quilt top and let the creativity flow! there are no wrong ideas. No bad quilts. Its yours! enjoy it and join us in this grand adventure. On March 3rd I will announce the beginning quilt ideas and we will start and learn to do this together! The first and last rows of these quilts will be based on your center design and a traditional row robin design. blocks that represent the center picture . You can make your quilt a wall hanging, baby quilt or as large as you like! one row per month until we are done! I think this will be four rows in the middle and one on top and bottom with theme blocks.

Love to see you join our little quilt along!
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