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Old 01-08-2010, 11:45 AM
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I finally finished my organizing. At least for right now. I still need to get some of those plastic containers at Walmart to hold future projects. In the meantime, they're in one big Rubbermaid bin marked "Future Projects," isn't THAT smart? I want to get my g'daughter to take a couple of pictures, but she never has time to spend on it. Her new semester just started. Soon though, I hope.
The only problem is that I just received a package of new fabrics I bought at the year end sale on eQuilter. What do I do now? All this stuff has to be put away and I'm SO over the putting away of stuff. I think I'll just leave it on my cutting table and admire it for the time being. And that's how all this clutter began in the first place!
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