Old 02-19-2015, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by k_jupiter View Post
Wrong. There is no inevitability of an accident. Just like driving a car. Two ways to drive... focused, or not so focussed. Same with using a rotary. I use wide rulers and have never come close to slicing my finger in 9 years of cutting. Don't plan on starting now. When I cut, I cut. Don't think about the kids, work, my next hot date, nothing but what I am doing. I am glad you use the proper safety equipment, just don't let that give you that sense of security. It won't help. tim ten fingers in san jose
For cutting fabric the safety tools will keep me safe. I have had too many near misses that would have resulted in cuts to my finger if I hadn't had the safety tools. As for being focused that is a given but won't prevent a rotary cutter user from being in ER with a bad cut.
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