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Old 02-20-2015, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Billi View Post
Ever have one of those nights? When you just can't sleep or get comfortable in your bed? . Well that's what happened to me last night so I decided to get up and clean my sewing room. I get in there and start and I keep seeing Kass's fabric I just kept picking it up playing with color and putting it down. I must have played with it 10 times. Before I gave up cleaning and made a block. . Put it on my design wall and went to bed. . This afternoon when I went back to my room I walked in and immediately thought wow that's kinda bright Did I actually put that together last night? Then I looked at the ones bring made and mine and knew that I made a big boo boo. . For some reason it looked great at 2am not so much at 4pm. So I played with the little bit I had left over and some new colors I'm quite sure this is a better combination Kass I'm sending you both I'm pretty sure the first one is just too much but you are getting it anyway. . Note to self do not pick colors after midnight. Maybe even 9pm.
Oh yes, been there, done that. Also, I need to stay away from embroidery sites in the middle of the night!
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