Old 02-21-2015, 09:20 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Maine
Posts: 873

Well, Sunliten, I've reached a point where I am exhausted with working full time, taking care of sick cat, and cleaning snow. Did I mention snow? Snow, white stuff, high, deep, cold, sickening. I am 62, yup, 62, tell the world, and I still do my own shoveling, cleaning, etc. I have now reached a new time high throwing record. I didn't know I could throw snow over my head. It takes longer because you get ready, throw up like the dickens and wait to see if any slides back down before you do the next shovel full. I also now have muscles on my arms from lifting the roof rake, balancing the end that weighs much more than the rest onto the roof and pulling the snow down. I have also learned not to stand to close as the rake doesn't reach well, and what gets pulled down lands on me. I am only 5 feet tall, and with the snow already around me more than 4 feet high, it doesn't take much to bury me. I have had to dig a path around the end of my home and down the length, which is 78 feet in order to get to the roof that I need to rake off. I also have decided by the measurements, and the number of times I have had to dig this path and the one along the length of the carport and path from door to carport, that I have now accomplished the new record of shoveling a mile. And if I wanted to, and trust me, in this constant below zero weather I don't see that happening, I can now run the whole length of the paths naked and no one would see me, if I should decide that I don't get enough exercise with the shoveling. So see, winter has its plus......somewhere. But thanks for the worries, there are some out there that are not as lucky as I am.
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