Old 02-24-2015, 01:23 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,667

I'm still waiting for some of those cute lil ants to march to my house...
Whoever would've thought I'd be wanting ants in my house??
So, I guess I'll write to our hostess and tell her I'm still waiting on those ants...
Huh? What? Ohhh, you mean we only tell Brat about fabrics we're legitimately
waiting on...Oh, ok..
But I AM legitimately waiting on the ants... there's just the wee issue that I didn't legitimately sign up to swap this month...
But I'm HAPPY to swap with anyone who has extra ants and wishes to humanely exterminate them. If there are any takers, just tell me what fqs you'd like in their place...

A buggy Kif...or is it a Kif who's bugging people?!?
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