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Old 02-24-2015, 07:30 AM
Junior Member
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I can appreciate just how much work and sewing skill these blocks required and understand why you might be cautious about how to proceed. Several threads have mentioned that two blocks, while well done, do not have the same visual impact as their neighbors. Perhaps something as simple as adding half square triangles, or some non-competitive element in their corners, might be a way of expanding their impact and make a layout less difficult? You have a vibrant color pallet in your blocks and I can see a bold use of these colors to complete this top. Because of the complexity of the blocks, I concur with a previous suggestion of using a fairly thin strip of what appears to be a gray ( bad color resolution on my computer) between the blocks ( a windowpane look) and then a triad of varying widths of your more bold and favorite colors as part of the border, then white again with a black binding or even a wild stripe with correlated colors? I am relatively new to quilting and do not have a full command of the correct terminology...but I hope you get my idea and it possibly helps.

Last edited by Basketman; 02-24-2015 at 07:33 AM.
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