Old 02-24-2015, 08:21 PM
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Originally Posted by lynnie View Post
Brat, I too am afraid of spiders. but them again, i'm allergic to them I'll stare at them too and hope I can make them disappear from view. Once, I had this big butt old mean spider. he was big. body about 3/4" across. swear to it. really, he put on his extension legs and tried to get to me. I put a bucket over him till someone could get him.

another time, another big butt mean old guy was after me. he was black and had these machine guns on him with rows of bullets. he stood up on his hind legs, and was going to shoot me, swear to it, cross my heart. he was mean and big.He cursed me out in a foreigh language, put his sun glasses back on and was coming after me. scared the be-jeebs outta me. so no spiderssss for me.

I'll take kitties. no complaining here.
You're too funny.. I have a pic of my son holding a metal pole that their neighborhood tarantula is on, I suppose you don't want me to post the pic for you??..

Son had stopped by our place. His phone rang, he said, I'm on my way.. He hung up his phone and told his dad and I that "Apparently Mr. T (tarantula) was on their garage door when my ddil had gotten home with the kids.".
Ddil said they weren't getting out of her suv until my son came and "took care of" Mr. T...

A lil bit later ds sent me a pic of him holding the pipe with Mr. T on it..
And, no he didn't kill Mr. T. He took him to the far backside of their acreage...
Not sure if my ddil knows that part or not...lol

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