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Old 01-08-2010, 07:33 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Wabash, Indiana
Posts: 43

Hi again! I don't want to just rag on Walmart, but most all the places of big businesses. Unless you know the people working there, it seems that people have forgotten how to work with out acting like it's killing them. Course now I've got one little quilt I'm trying to finish and I'm just growling all over the place, but there again I'm not working with or for the public. Things have changed and if we don't support our local stores, then I'm afraid that we will probably have to settle for the treatment we get. There is no pride in big places of work and people don't seem to worry about their jobs until things get bad like now and then that doesn't seem to distress some. I'm on my high horse again and I'm fixin to fall, I can feel ittttttt! Quilt it today for tomorrow you may have to clean. Oh no that's just wrong. Bethy
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