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Old 02-27-2015, 09:46 PM
Jeanette Frantz
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Florida
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I am currently working on a Minnesota Model A (Davis Made) -- I have no idea of the age of the machine I have -- I'm working on it for my cousin in Arkansas. I bought a shuttle from a QB member in NY, and another (just to be safe) off e-bay! My son and I had plans last weekend to spiff up the shellac to protect the decals, but we just ran out of time. I had hoped to work on all three of my beautiful old machines. The shellac clear coat is suffering from age, but Glenn has provided a tutorial for improving the appearance of the machine and protecting the decals! Your Minnesota is in better condition than the one I have, but my cousin is thrilled with it, so I won't complain! Congrats on your Minnesota, now known as "Zita"!

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