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Old 02-28-2015, 07:53 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 172

I haven't had that particular model, but I looooove the old Kenmores. I have four, because I can't resist when they're reasonably priced. I way overpaid for my first one ($120, I think), but I bought it from a sewing-machine repairman after my plastic Singer burned out in six months. My others have all been $60 or less, and I got one with the cabinet for $40, so I think $30 is a good price. Does it come with anything else, like the manual? Try running it to see if you like the sound -- mine have different sounds based on the motor, and I like one much less than the others for that reason. Check to see if it uses low-shank feet, which are the easiest to find. Does the seller have the cabinet? You can only use a Kenmore cabinet with it, and I haven't had trouble finding them on Craigslist, but I live near a big city. Good luck!
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