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Old 02-28-2015, 06:20 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2012
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She sounds very entitled. Not someone I'd want to be around. At all. I am hearing in what you say that most of you don't want her around, either. I think for now I'd just ignore her when she's there, which shouldn't be often. Since a VP doesn't really have anything to do (except fill in for a missing President and run a meeting), I think I'd let her finish out her term. But in the future if she wants to hold office, you should already have something in place in your by-laws preventing no-show members from holding offices. Generally someone has to make a motion to nominate a member for office anyway, and someone else has to second the nomination. If you run your meetings by Roberts Rules of Order, then she should never be able to hold office because none of you will nominate her or second the nomination. If it continues to irritate all of you that she's always there to take donated items, then you need to come up with another way of distributing the items. I would suggest you meet to sew charitable items with donated materials all together on site and that those donated materials stay on site instead of members taking them home. Is it possible for the guild to store guild-owned items like that where you meet, perhaps in a locking closet of your own? If not, maybe a member can store them at their home for group use only. You already know what she wants from belonging to your group, so just arrange things so she can't get what she wants unless she plays by the group rules, and she'll either shape up into the kind of member you want, or she'll just quit because she's unhappy. Either way it's a win for the rest of you Good luck. Apply liberal doses of chocolate and wine in the meantime.

Last edited by JustAbitCrazy; 02-28-2015 at 06:33 PM.
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