Thread: Hoarding
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Old 03-01-2015, 06:16 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 453

I didn't want my fabric to get out of hand, because DH doesn't understand it AT ALL!!! So I found SPACE BAGS!!!! I'm able to place my batting in and suck out all the air, so I'm able to lay it nice and flat (for stacking). The same goes for 108" backing fabric I got such a good deal on (I washing and folded it to fit the bag), then I added others to the same bag filling it up too. Again nice and flat. I have used this method with large amounts of yardage. The SPACE BAGS come in different sizes too. This is great because we will be living full time in a 5th wheel soon. The bags fit under the bed like a dream (they get heavy, but you don't have to care them all at once). I'm working on folding and colors, to make it easy to see. I also list what's in the bags on a sheet of paper and place it in the bag on top of the fabric. This helps me find different projects too.
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