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Old 01-09-2010, 08:09 AM
CasaManana's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Colorado
Posts: 59

I'm going with the majority on this one. You can NEVER have too much room! Put everything in tubs. Keeps it dry if you have heavy rains again, AND they will keep you organized. I have tubs labeled Browns & Blacks, Blue, Green, Etc. I have smaller tubs for scraps, each labeled with the colors in side. Take advantage of your larger area and create or buy a layout wall. I put velcro over the top of the sliding closet doors, (there are 3 doors in that room) bought flannel, pieced yardage together to make it big enough, sewed hems all around and put more velcro on the flannel, and it now hangs in the room all the time. With the velcro, if I want into that closet, I just pull it down for the distance I need. When I'm done, it pops right back up. (That's the cheap way to get a design layout wall) :lol:
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