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Old 03-03-2015, 07:04 AM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Northern Utah
Posts: 20

As president of the group you are in a position to get the group better organized. This will make lots of things better & serve the group well.

Rather than pointing out her default, use a couple of meetings to pass simple by-laws. Even dues like a dollar a month, material collecting & storage, etc. once the rules are in place - including consequences, let everyone start fresh. If she doesn't abide by the rules, institute the consequences. Perhaps she could have a title of founding member & not expected to attend.

I can't drive so I have to ask for rides. I find I'm lots more eager to go if someone calls & volunteers to take me.

I would get some ideas for organizing by reading by-laws of other groups on the internet. Perhaps there is something there that only needs tweeking.
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