Old 03-04-2015, 06:16 AM
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Posts: 84

Originally Posted by maviskw View Post
So, could someone explain "strata"? I sort of understand what is meant, but would like to hear someone else give an explaination.
Strata - Take a look at picture 2. There are 25 5 pieces to the block, with 5 pieces to the row. Row 1 is always the same -red, yellow, light, light, light. You sew 5 - 1 1/2" strips together and then sub-cut the strata at 1 1/2". You do 400 and then do row 2 - dark, red, yellow, light, light. I kept track of where I was. Red = fuchsia to burgundy. Yellow=pale yellow to dark gold. Dark = anything not light. There are some pinks that found there way in to darks, but it gave the quilt sparkle. Lights = anything mostly neutral from white on white to just below a grocery bag tan. I had some old white with black letters (ugly) that got dropped in here and there. I simply trusted Bonnie when she said if it is still ugly, you have not cut it small enough. This quilt is full of what was I thinking fabric, and the perfect way to use effectively fabric that does not have merit in its own right. I would make 5 to 8 strata in an session, 12" ish long, sub cut, pin in groups of 10, stack 10 pinned sets in a stack of 10, 4 stacks, and strata 1 was done. Go on to Row 2, into another basket. Repeat Most of the time it was mindless sewing. Sometimes we get so hung up in perfect nothing gets done. My goal was no repeats in a block, and no same fabric touching in final layout. It did not happen and I don't care. It is not going to a show, it is going on my bed. My motto for last year was Being Good is Good Enough. Thanks Bonnie Hunter for believing in us, before we believed in ourselves.
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