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Old 03-05-2015, 09:12 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 696

My teacher, a national quilting judge, taught us to do it this way: Take a bad piece of flannel or cheese cloth and stitch around it. I did hand stitching. Then take the fluffy yarn, I call it Hallmark yarn since they use to tie their packages in it, and take apart the 3 strands because you will use only one strand. Use a tapestry needle with the large eye and pull the yarn thru the holes in the backing until you have it as full as you want it. Keep checking from the front. The last time I did this was with fish and I did not have flannel or cheese cloth but I found an old piece of sheer curtain. Believe me, it worked great. After you have the area full, then I put it into a hoop to quilt. That way it pulls it tight and makes it really good. Good luck with whatever method you use. Of course with the yarn, try to match the color, or use the white as in the batting.
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