Old 03-06-2015, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by sdhaevrsi View Post
I am still having trouble uploading photos that are apparently too large and don't know how to reduce them, so can't show you my Tucker as quilt inspector. However, here he is in fabric, and the picture that inspired the block. (The preview shows them too large... I will find out what happens when I hit the "post" button...)
Sheri, I'm just amazed at your fabric rendering! I have no gift for rendering something life-like like that! Tucker looks like such a lovable furball!

Originally Posted by Jeanette Frantz View Post
Yes, we've lost a few along the way. Every one we've ever had were dogs (or cats) that someone dumped on our doorstep. Within the first year after we built this house in 2000, there were an additional two that were literally dumped on our doorstep. One was part poodle, part maltese, and was the sweetest little dog I've ever known. We lot "Little Bit" in the China contaminated food mess about nine years ago. He was dark gray, light gray, black, brown -- a little bit of everything. He was attacked and severely injured by the dog up the street. It cost us over $1,000 to get him healed up. Little Bit was the smartest and most obedient dog I've ever had. The next rescue was little "Buddy" who survived the longest of the three we had -- he had a malignant grown close to the heart and despite the expenditure of quite a few $$$$$$$, and many tears, we couldn't save him. I have pictures of them somewhere around here, but I've got so much of my Aunt's junk (stuff) dumped in my house I hardly have room to walk through it. If my back ever gets better (please God) I'm going to get rid of a lot of this stuff (junk)! Whatever, LOL!

What do you suppose causes people to drop animals with you vs. any of your neighbors? I mean for me, I suppose it's obvious that I'm a sucker for animals... I often wondered if Gizmo's kidney problems started with the Eukanuba / Melamine food problem since it was at the same time but since her kidney disease was Chronic not Acute, the vet ruled it out without tests. In the end, her kidneys aren't what got her anyway. I was pretty angry about the food contamination too. There was no good reason for it to ever happen and no way to bring any of those companions back. We got lucky because we had all of our animals on Eukanuba at the time but somehow not the contaminated formulas. It was a wake up call though and we moved them to a local food - Orijen - (it's actually made in the town we live in) and we've now moved them all to homemade or raw. Stormi and Shadow are on homemade and Dax is on raw.

Originally Posted by monopas View Post
That was just a perfect moment, perfect photo opportunity when I actually had the camera. Pookie had been sleeping on my bed (giant beanbag chair-style thing filled with foam) and the only way Pumpkin could cuddle up with Pookie was to be on top of him. Pookie didn't seem to even notice until I started taking pictures. Pumpkin has always had the amazing superpower of being able to do the cutest possible thing at any given time.

Here's Flickr album of them: https://www.flickr.com/photos/solarp...7650783647620/
LOL! Pumpkin has the same "forced cuddling" methodology as Shadow does. "I will make you cuddle, I don't care if you want to or like it!!" It's like when she kneads on my chest and purrs in my face at 3am. You're cute kitty, but not that cute.... Every once in a while I manage to get a photo op like that but just as often I manage to get a photo of the beginning of the war that results. Pumpkin has a very worthwhile superpower.
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