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Old 03-10-2015, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Janice McC
Well, I can host a retreat too at our cabin. Of course, you've got to love mosquitoes and heat if it's summer since it's middle Georgia. And we have no phone or tv, a plus if you ask me. Also, we're a couple of hundred yards from a lake and we've got a small boat. Of course it would take me a month to back it down the ramp so let's ditch that idea. Oh, but there's only one bed but lots of floor space for sleeping bags. And, um, we have the occasional scorpion and not so occasional wasp. (How do those get in???) And the roof leaks when it monsoons which is more frequently than you would think. But it's a darling cabin!!! All are welcome!!!

I have the perfect spray for scorpions. Spray the doorways and they don't make it 3 feet into the house without croaking. Love the stuff.

As for the boat. Had one and backed it onto the ramp a few times . . .

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