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Old 03-10-2015, 01:09 PM
Janice McC
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Believe me Terri, it's not that fancy but I do love it. (Those windows leak like a sieve and the poor birds hit them on a regular basis despite the reflective stickers we have all over them!) I can steer the boat, no problem, but I still am looking for a backer-upper person to attend the retreat if we want to boat!

Mailing latest: Spoke with the PO station manager and he said that it appears that the batch of packages were NOT scanned upon receipt as they should have been and that they are in fact in transit. He said they will be scanned again at their next stop so they'll be picked up in the "system" then. (I'm starting to hate that word "system".) I'm to call again tomorrow at 11 am and he will personally go through every tracking # I have to check the status if they haven't shown up yet know it's coming...the system. Ah, they joys of admin!!!

Did you all at least get your tracking #'s? They should have come on Sunday night.

Edited: I just sent them all out. Terri and Difergie should have gotten yours already on Monday directly from me.

Originally Posted by terriamn View Post
Janice that is a might fancy cabin, love all the windows. I can't back up a boat to save my soul, dh has finally given up trying to show me. If boat has a steering wheel I'm fine but if I havevto steer with handle on the morning we would all go around and around in circles all day.

i did all the charity tops, nothing fancy but will be loved.

Last edited by Janice McC; 03-10-2015 at 01:25 PM. Reason: tracking info
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